Wind turbine multiphysics simulator
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unsteadyaero_types::ua_miscvartype Type Reference

Public Attributes

logical firstwarn_m
 flag so Mach number warning doesn't get repeated forever [-]
logical firstwarn_ua
 flag so UA state warning doesn't get repeated forever [-]
logical firstwarn_ua_off
 flag so UA state warning doesn't get repeated forever [-]
logical, dimension(:,:), allocatable tesf
 logical flag indicating if trailing edge separation is possible [-]
logical, dimension(:,:), allocatable lesf
 logical flag indicating if leading edge separation is possible [-]
logical, dimension(:,:), allocatable vrtx
 logical flag indicating if a vortex is being processed [-]
real(reki), dimension(:,:), allocatable t_sh
 shedding frequency [-]
logical, dimension(:,:), allocatable bedsep
 logical flag indicating if this is undergoing separated flow (for compison with AD14) [-]
real(reki), dimension(:,:), allocatable weight
 value between 0 and 1 indicating if UA is on (1) or off (0) or somewhere in between [-]

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