Wind turbine multiphysics simulator
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inflowwind_types::inflowwind_initinputtype Type Reference

Public Attributes

character(1024) inputfilename
 Name of the InflowWind input file to use [-].
logical linearize = .FALSE.
 Flag that tells this module if the glue code wants to linearize. More...
logical use4dext = .FALSE.
 Flag that tells this module if an external module will pass it 4-D velocity grids. More...
integer(intki) numwindpoints
 Number of wind velocity points expected [-].
integer(intki) turbineid = 0
 Wind turbine ID number in the fixed (DEFAULT) file name when FixedWindFileRootName = .TRUE. More...
logical fixedwindfilerootname = .FALSE.
 Do the wind data files have a fixed (DEFAULT) file name? (used by FAST.Farm) [-].
logical useinputfile = .TRUE.
 Should we read everthing from an input file, or do we get it some other way [-].
character(1024) rootname
 RootName for writing output files [-].
type(fileinfotype) passedfiledata
 If we don't use the input file, pass everything through this [-].
logical windtype2useinputfile = .TRUE.
 Flag for toggling file based IO in wind type 2. More...
type(fileinfotype) windtype2data
 Optional slot for wind type 2 data if file IO is not used. More...
type(lidar_initinputtype) lidar
 InitInput for lidar data [-].
type(ifw_4dext_initinputtype) fdext
 InitInput for lidar data [-].

Member Data Documentation

◆ linearize

logical inflowwind_types::inflowwind_initinputtype::linearize = .FALSE.

Flag that tells this module if the glue code wants to linearize.


◆ turbineid

integer(intki) inflowwind_types::inflowwind_initinputtype::turbineid = 0

Wind turbine ID number in the fixed (DEFAULT) file name when FixedWindFileRootName = .TRUE.

(used by FAST.Farm) [-]

◆ use4dext

logical inflowwind_types::inflowwind_initinputtype::use4dext = .FALSE.

Flag that tells this module if an external module will pass it 4-D velocity grids.


◆ windtype2data

type(fileinfotype) inflowwind_types::inflowwind_initinputtype::windtype2data

Optional slot for wind type 2 data if file IO is not used.


◆ windtype2useinputfile

logical inflowwind_types::inflowwind_initinputtype::windtype2useinputfile = .TRUE.

Flag for toggling file based IO in wind type 2.


The documentation for this type was generated from the following file: