Wind turbine multiphysics simulator
Public Attributes | List of all members
fastwrapper_types::fwrap_initinputtype Type Reference

Public Attributes

integer(intki) nr
 Number of radii in the radial finite-difference grid [-].
character(1024) fastinfile
 Filename of primary FAST input file of this turbine [-].
real(reki) dr
 Radial increment of radial finite-difference grid [m].
real(dbki) tmax
 Simulation length [s].
real(reki), dimension(1:3) p_ref_turbine
 Undisplaced global coordinates of this turbine [m].
integer(intki) n_high_low
 Number of high-resolution time steps per low-resolution time step [-].
real(dbki) dt_high
 High-resolution time step [s].
real(reki), dimension(1:3) p_ref_high
 Position of the origin of the high-resolution spatial domain for this turbine [m].
integer(intki) nx_high
 Number of high-resolution spatial nodes in X direction [-].
integer(intki) ny_high
 Number of high-resolution spatial nodes in Y direction [-].
integer(intki) nz_high
 Number of high-resolution spatial nodes in Z direction [-].
real(reki) dx_high
 X-component of the spatial increment of the high-resolution spatial domain for this turbine [m].
real(reki) dy_high
 Y-component of the spatial increment of the high-resolution spatial domain for this turbine [m].
real(reki) dz_high
 Z-component of the spatial increment of the high-resolution spatial domain for this turbine [m].
integer(intki) turbnum
 Turbine ID number (start with 1; end with number of turbines) [-].
character(1024) rootname
 The root name derived from the primary FAST.Farm input file [For output reporting in this module we need to have Rootname include the turbine number] [-].
integer(intki) numsc2ctrl
 Number of turbine-specific controller inputs [from supercontroller] [-].
integer(intki) numsc2ctrlglob
 Number of global controller inputs [from supercontroller] [-].
integer(intki) numctrl2sc
 Number of turbine-specific controller outputs [to supercontroller] [-].
logical usesc
 Use the SuperController? (flag) [-].
real(siki), dimension(:), allocatable fromscglob
 Global outputs from SuperController [-].
real(siki), dimension(:), allocatable fromsc
 Turbine-specific outputs from SuperController [-].

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