Wind turbine multiphysics simulator
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fast_types::fast_vtk_modeshapetype Type Reference

Public Attributes

character(1024) checkpointroot
 name of the checkpoint file written by FAST when linearization data was produced [-]
character(1024) matlabfilename
 name of the file with eigenvectors written by Matlab [-]
integer(intki) vtklinmodes
 Number of modes to visualize [-].
integer(intki), dimension(:), allocatable vtkmodes
 Which modes to visualize [-].
integer(intki) vtklintim
 Switch to make one animation for all LinTimes together (1) or separate animations for each LinTimes(2) [-].
integer(intki) vtknlintimes
 number of linearization times to use when VTKLinTim==2 [-]
real(reki) vtklinscale
 Mode shape visualization scaling factor [-].
real(reki) vtklinphase
 Phase when making one animation for all LinTimes together (used only when VTKLinTim=1) [-].
real(r8ki), dimension(:), allocatable dampingratio
 damping ratios from mbc3 analysis [-]
real(r8ki), dimension(:), allocatable naturalfreq_hz
 natural frequency from mbc3 analysis [-]
real(r8ki), dimension(:), allocatable dampedfreq_hz
 damped frequency from mbc3 analysis [-]
real(r8ki), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable x_eig_magnitude
 magnitude of eigenvector (dimension 1=state, dim 2= azimuth, dim 3 = mode) [-]
real(r8ki), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable x_eig_phase
 phase of eigenvector (dimension 1=state, dim 2= azimuth, dim 3 = mode) [-]

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