Wind turbine multiphysics simulator
Public Attributes | List of all members
fast_farm_types::farm_parametertype Type Reference
Collaboration diagram for fast_farm_types::farm_parametertype:
Collaboration graph

Public Attributes

real(dbki) dt_low
 Time step for low-resolution wind data input files; will be used as the global FAST.Farm time step [seconds].
real(dbki) dt_high
 High-resolution time step [seconds].
real(dbki) tmax
 Total run time [seconds].
integer(intki) n_high_low
 Number of high-resolution time steps per low-resolution time step [-].
integer(intki) numturbines
 Number of turbines in the simulation [-].
character(1024) windfilepath
 Path name of wind data files from ABLSolver precursor [-].
character(1024) sc_filename
 Name/location of the dynamic library {.dll [Windows] or .so [Linux]} containing the Super Controller algorithms [-].
logical usesc
 Use a super controller? [-].
real(reki), dimension(:,:), allocatable wt_position
 X-Y-Z position of each wind turbine; index 1 = XYZ; index 2 = turbine number [meters].
character(1024), dimension(:), allocatable wt_fastinfile
 Name of input file for each turbine [-].
character(1024) ftitle
 The description line from the primary FAST.Farm input file [-].
character(1024) outfileroot
 The root name derived from the primary FAST.Farm input file [-].
integer(intki) n_chkpttime
 Number of time steps between writing checkpoint files [-].
real(dbki) tstart
 Time to begin tabular output [s].
integer(intki) n_tmax
 Number of the time step of TMax (the end time of the simulation) [-].
logical sumprint
 Print summary data to file? (.sum) [-].
logical wrbinoutfile
 Write a binary output file? (.outb) [-].
logical wrtxtoutfile
 Write a text (formatted) output file? (.out) [-].
character(1) delim
 Delimiter between columns of text output file (.out): space or tab [-].
character(20) outfmt
 Format used for text tabular output (except time); resulting field should be 10 characters [-].
character(20) outfmt_t
 Format used for time channel in text tabular output; resulting field should be 10 characters [-].
integer(intki) fmtwidth
 width of the time OutFmt specifier [-]
integer(intki) tchanlen
 width of the time channel [-]
integer(intki) noutturb
 Number of turbines for write output [1 to 9] [-].
integer(intki) noutradii
 Number of radial nodes for wake output for an individual rotor [0 to 20] [-].
integer(intki), dimension(:), allocatable outradii
 List of radial nodes for wake output for an individual rotor [1 to NOutRadii] [-].
integer(intki) noutdist
 Number of downstream distances for wake output for an individual rotor [0 to 9] [-].
real(reki), dimension(:), allocatable outdist
 List of downstream distances for wake output for an individual rotor [1 to NOutDist] [meters].
integer(intki) nwindvel
 Number of points for wind output [0 to 9] [-].
real(reki), dimension(:), allocatable windvelx
 List of coordinates in the X direction for wind output [1 to NWindVel] [meters].
real(reki), dimension(:), allocatable windvely
 List of coordinates in the Y direction for wind output [1 to NWindVel] [meters].
real(reki), dimension(:), allocatable windvelz
 List of coordinates in the Z direction for wind output [1 to NWindVel] [meters].
type(outparmtype), dimension(:), allocatable outparam
 Names and units (and other characteristics) of all requested output parameters [-].
integer(intki) numouts
 Number of user-requested outputs [-].
integer(intki) noutsteps
 Maximum number of output steps [-].
character(1024), dimension(1:3) filedesclines
 File Description lines [-].
type(progdesc), dimension(nummodules) module_ver
 Version information from all modules [-].
integer(intki) unou
 File unit for Fast.Farm output data [-].
real(reki) dx_low
 The spacing of the low-resolution nodes in X direction [m].
real(reki) dy_low
 The spacing of the low-resolution nodes in Y direction [m].
real(reki) dz_low
 The spacing of the low-resolution nodes in Z direction [m].
integer(intki) nx_low
 Number of low-resolution spatial nodes in X direction [-].
integer(intki) ny_low
 Number of low-resolution spatial nodes in Y direction [-].
integer(intki) nz_low
 Number of low-resolution spatial nodes in Z direction [-].
real(reki) x0_low
 X-component of the origin of the low-resolution spatial domain [m].
real(reki) y0_low
 Y-component of the origin of the low-resolution spatial domain [m].
real(reki) z0_low
 Z-component of the origin of the low-resolution spatial domain [m].

The documentation for this type was generated from the following file: