5.3.7. VersioningΒΆ

OpenFAST follows semantic versioning. In summary, this means that with a version number as MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, the components will be incremented as follows:

  • MAJOR version when introducing incompatible API changes,

  • MINOR version when adding functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and

  • PATCH version when making backwards-compatible bug fixes.

For example, OpenFAST-v1.0.0-123-gabcd1234-dirty describes OpenFAST as:

Version Component



MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH numbering system; corresponds to a tagged commit made by NREL on GitHub


Number of additional commits after the most recent tag for a build (the -g is for git)


First 8 characters of the current commit hash


Denotes that local changes have been made but not committed; omitted if there are no local changes